Hello from Snowland!
I know there are probably a few of you that are reading this from somewhere warm - and yes, I am pea green with envy, so go ahead and gloat! We had somewhere around 10 inches of snow last night, so I thought I would share a little of the joy!
Our Parking Lot is fairly clear - thanks to my PDH (that's Poor Dear Husband). The plow came through sometime during the night, but there was another 4 inches to clear when we came in this morning. Isn't it lovely?

I took care of the entrance - snow is pretty, but it sure makes life difficult!

Poor little birdies must be cold in there!
And then, there is the ramp - 39 feet long - One foot of length for every inch of rise. There is a construction fact that I bet you never knew!

Yes, it is a long sucker. This thing is going to be the death of me!

How about a nice cup of tea? Perhaps we could mix up a batch of snow ice cream. Do kids still do that? It's probably too unsanitary for today's kids.
Come on inside and see the amazing blooming Jade Plant. I guess nobody has ever seen one before. Mine blooms every year. It apparently thrives on neglect. I had better go water it - I think it has been a couple of weeks!

So - come in and see us. We are working hard to keep the snow cleared so that you can be safe. I think we might have a break in the weather for a day - so now is the time to head out. Don't forget to tell your DH's that we are closed on Christmas Eve. We know how they like to wait until the last minute to come in and pick up your gift!
Stay warm out there!
P.S. Katie showed me how to set this thing so that you can reply to me, so feel free to do so!
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