Another year has arrived and you know what that means - yes, the dreaded resolutions!
Have you made yours? Here are a few of mine:
1. Lose Weight
This Lovely Lady lost over 400 pounds. Read about her at: http://thehumanmarvels.com/?p=48
Every year I make the same resolution - to lose weight. Every year this one seems to get a little harder, and my ideal weight is a little farther away.
Of course, I know how to lose weight - I have lost hundreds of pounds, and gained hundreds more. It is really quite appalling! Maybe this will be the year I get my act in gear.
You may think quilting and weight loss don't necessarily go hand-in-hand, but they can! It just takes a little more effort. To start with, break up that cozy little corner in your quilting room where you can cut, sew and iron without lifting your butt off your nice soft chair. Move your ironing board to another room - or another floor, if possible.
If you like to keep sewing until you have a string of pieces 10 feet long - try to limit your string to a yard or two. Make sure you are getting up to iron regularly (that's more often than once an hour). Stand up to do your cutting, too. It will help you avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as forcing you to stand up - you will also be more accurate, and less likely to slice off your finger.
2. Exercise

I know you hate going to the gym - don't even try to tell me otherwise. Nobody likes to work out - the best part of working out is the shower! It will make you feel better, though (eventually), and it will help you live longer so that you can come a little closer to finishing all those quilts you have planned! I also use my exercise time to read the latest quilting magazines and get inspired. Sometimes I get so many ideas that I have to write them down as soon as I get back to the locker room. I had some great ideas this morning - more on that in a future post.
2. BALANCE the budget! Don't you like the little red and black ink jars? In spite of rumors to the contrary, we are holding our own. We have been working hard to keep things in line and so far we seem to be succeeding. We appreciate your business. We know that you are trying to balance your own budgets, but if you can't afford a vacation, you can spend your vacation time making something more lasting for your children. Don't forget that our classroom is always available for you to use as long as we don't have any classes scheduled. Why not grab a couple of quilting friends and spend a Pieceful afternoon with us?
Have you ever noticed that a smile is contagious? Try starting each morning with a smile, even if you don't feel like it. You will find that the smiles that you get back will keep your own smile going. Before you know it, everyone around you will be feeling better, and so will you! I am planning to start every day with a smile - won't you come and share yours with us?
May your 2009 be Happy, Healthy and Prosperous, and may you find the strength to stick with your resolutions!
Happy New Year!
Carrie, Katie and the Pieceful Staff
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